Searching for AI Tools? Watch Out for Rogue Sites Distributing RedLine Malware

Malicious Google Search ads for generative AI services like OpenAI ChatGPT and Midjourney are being used to direct users to sketchy websites as part of a BATLOADER campaign designed to deliver RedLine Stealer malware. “Both AI services are extremely popular but lack first-party standalone apps (i.e., users interface with ChatGPT via their web interface while Midjourney uses […]

WebKit Under Attack: Apple Issues Emergency Patches for 3 New Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Apple on Thursday rolled out security updates to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and the Safari web browser to address three new zero-day flaws that it said are being actively exploited in the wild. The three security shortcomings are listed below – CVE-2023-32409 – A WebKit flaw that could be exploited by a malicious actor to break out […]

Zip domains, a bad idea nobody asked for

If you heard a strange and unfamiliar creaking noise on May 3, it may been the simultaneous rolling of a million eyeballs. The synchronised ocular rotation was the less than warm welcome that parts of the IT and security industries—this author included—gave to Google’s decision to put .zip domains on sale. Google Registry actually announced […]

APT attacks: Exploring Advanced Persistent Threats and their evasive techniques

Cyber criminals come in all shapes and sizes. On one end of the spectrum, there’s the script kiddie or inexperienced ransomware gang looking to make a quick buck. On the other end are state-sponsored groups using far more sophisticated tactics—often with long-term, strategic goals in mind. Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) groups fall into this latter […]

This Cybercrime Syndicate Pre-Infected Over 8.9 Million Android Phones Worldwide

A cybercrime enterprise known as Lemon Group is leveraging millions of pre-infected Android smartphones worldwide to carry out their malicious operations, posing significant supply chain risks. “The infection turns these devices into mobile proxies, tools for stealing and selling SMS messages, social media and online messaging accounts and monetization via advertisements and click fraud,”

Join This Webinar — Zero Trust + Deception: Learn How to Outsmart Attackers!

Cybersecurity is constantly evolving, but complexity can give hostile actors an advantage. To stay ahead of current and future attacks, it’s essential to simplify and reframe your defenses. Zscaler Deception is a state-of-the-art next-generation deception technology seamlessly integrated with the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange. It creates a hostile environment for attackers and enables you to […]

FBI, GCHQ Unite To Foil Russian Malware Hacking Tool

By Owais Sultan A joint advisory from the National Cyber Security Centre has detailed how the UK and its allies have cracked Snake, a Russian malware used by the FSB. This is a post from Read the original post: FBI, GCHQ Unite To Foil Russian Malware Hacking Tool

Guide to Choosing the Best Family Cell Phone Plan

By Owais Sultan In a world where staying connected is paramount, the need for a reliable and affordable family cell phone… This is a post from Read the original post: Guide to Choosing the Best Family Cell Phone Plan

How to Reduce Exposure on the Manufacturing Attack Surface

Digitalization initiatives are connecting once-isolated Operational Technology (OT) environments with their Information Technology (IT) counterparts. This digital transformation of the factory floor has accelerated the connection of machinery to digital systems and data. Computer systems for managing and monitoring digital systems and data have been added to the hardware and software used for

8220 Gang Exploiting Oracle WebLogic Flaw to Hijack Servers and Mine Cryptocurrency

The notorious cryptojacking group tracked as 8220 Gang has been spotted weaponizing a six-year-old security flaw in Oracle WebLogic servers to ensnare vulnerable instances into a botnet and distribute cryptocurrency mining malware. The flaw in question is CVE-2017-3506 (CVSS score: 7.4), which, when successfully exploited, could allow an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary commands