China’s Stealthy Hackers Infiltrate U.S. and Guam Critical Infrastructure Undetected

A stealthy China-based group managed to establish a persistent foothold into critical infrastructure organizations in the U.S. and Guam without being detected, Microsoft and the “Five Eyes” nations said on Wednesday. The tech giant’s threat intelligence team is tracking the activity, which includes post-compromise credential access and network system discovery, under the name Volt Typhoon. The

Iranian Agrius Hackers Targeting Israeli Organizations with Moneybird Ransomware

The Iranian threat actor known as Agrius is leveraging a new ransomware strain called Moneybird in its attacks targeting Israeli organizations. Agrius, also known as Pink Sandstorm (formerly Americium), has a track record of staging destructive data-wiping attacks aimed at Israel under the guise of ransomware infections. Microsoft has attributed the threat actor to Iran’s Ministry of

GUAC 0.1 Beta: Google’s Breakthrough Framework for Secure Software Supply Chains

Google on Wednesday announced the 0.1 Beta version of GUAC (short for Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition) for organizations to secure their software supply chains. To that end, the search giant is making available the open source framework as an API for developers to integrate their own tools and policy engines. GUAC aims to aggregate software security metadata from different sources

Rheinmetall attacked by BlackBasta ransomware

On Friday May 19, 2023, the German arms producer Rheinmetall acknowledged a cyber-incident at one of it’s subsidiaries in the private sector. The BlackBasta ransomware group has already claimed responsibility for the attack through its leak-site. Entry for Rheinmetall on BlackBasta leak site Rheinmetall’s main activities are in the automobile industry and weapons manufacturing, and […]

Tracking down a trojan: An inside look at threat hunting in a corporate network

At Malwarebytes, we talk a lot about the importance of threat hunting for SMBs—and not for no good reason, either. Just consider the fact that, when a threat actor breaches a network, they don’t attack right away. The median amount of time between system compromise and detection is 21 days. By that time, it’s often too late. […]

When internet security is a requirement, look to dedicated fiber

With increased dangers lurking in digital spaces, the need for cybersecurity is now a commonly known fact for just about all business owners. When it comes to protecting their network, most start with the basic firewall. While added layers are required, there is something even more fundamental that should not be overlooked: the physical connection […]

Memcyco Introduces Real-Time Solution to Combat Brandjacking

By Owais Sultan Memcyco Unveils Groundbreaking Solution to Combat Brandjacking in Real Time, Safeguarding Digital Trust and Reinforcing Brand Reputation. This is a post from Read the original post: Memcyco Introduces Real-Time Solution to Combat Brandjacking

Iranian Tortoiseshell Hackers Targeting Israeli Logistics Industry

At least eight websites associated with shipping, logistics, and financial services companies in Israel were targeted as part of a watering hole attack. Tel Aviv-based cybersecurity company ClearSky attributed the attacks with low confidence to an Iranian threat actor tracked as Tortoiseshell, which is also called Crimson Sandstorm (previously Curium), Imperial Kitten, and TA456. “The infected